Home Is Where the Heart Is/Hogar Dulce Hogar

So I’m back “home” in sunny San Diego.

My job stint in Austin (or as someone pointed out, my internship, ha) only lasted about four months. And even if it wasn’t the dream job I was looking for, It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. It was also the hardest.

I never thought being away from home was going to be so difficult. I literally cried every month. See, I didn’t get that going away college experience so this was the first time I was apart from my parents and my doggie.

Looking back, I just felt lonely. And that feeling completely freaked me out.

And Yes, I could’ve called home which I did, believe me, everyday. And I came to San Diego three times in four months. But having your family around regardless of whether you want to kill them sometimes…is priceless.

 I’ll definitely miss Austin, and all the great people I met there (you know who you are) but being back in San Diego just feels right.

This was definitely an experience that made me stronger, and made me appreciate the little things in life that are worthwhile.


¡Estoy de vuelta en San Diego!

A pesar de que solo estuve en Austin por cuatro meses, estoy feliz de estar de regreso.

Extrañe mucho a mi familia, a mi novio y a mi perrita. A pesar de que no dure mucho en Austin, me encanto la oportunidad de haber vivido en esa ciudad. Austin es un lugar que tiene mucho que ofrecer, pero el clima de San Diego no se compara con ninguna otra ciudad, es único.

Fue una experiencia de aprendizaje. Definitivamente me di cuenta que estar cerca de la familia no tiene precio. Aunque a veces nos queremos ahorcar, ese apoyo incondional es indescriptible.

Si llore mucho por estar lejos y por primera vez sentir la soledad tal cual, pero fue una experiencia que me hizo mas fuerte y me alegró haberla vivido.